Why we do What we do

Did you recently realize that fat is not bad, raw milk won’t kill you, and some of the mainstream diet advice really isn’t the best?

How about the empowerment of knowing that you are in charge of what your family eats and how healthy they can be? their health doesn’t have to lay in the hands of the newest fad diet or even pharmaceuticals. Have you become fed up with the mixed messages on nutrition saying that foods that were eaten for centuries are now “unsafe”?

Us too.

We didn’t grow up drinking raw milk. Our farm was founded in 1968 by my grandparents, Margret and Grover (hence the MarGro) Raymond with no intentions of becoming a dairy farm. They planned to raise bred heifers to sell but, the kids, my dad very much so included, fell in love with the cows and they couldn’t get rid of them. So thus, we became a dairy and crop farm. My dad, Arnold Raymond, and mom, Denice Raymond have been running the farm as long as I can remember. In 2013, I, Rachel Hagaman, came to work full time on the farm after a short stint in culinary school. My husband, Devin Hagaman, has recently become involved with the crop and mechanical end of the farm.

We sold our milk with the intent for pasteurization. We were told that raw milk was unsafe and we believed it.

After my last minute home birth in 2021, my view on everything shifted. If something as dangerous as birth could be done safely at home, what else wasn’t as dangerous as we once believed. I always cared about what I fed myself and my family, but it now became paramount. I did my research. I realized that maybe the reason I struggled to digest milk was because of the processing of the milk, not the milk itself. But coming from a background of being anti raw milk, I was still pretty nervous about it. So I kept researching. We did some testing on our cows and worked to hone in on our practices.

Just like birth, all foods come with risks. They like to tell you that raw milk is more dangerous than most foods. But with the right care, fresh, unprocessed, whole milk is not just safe for you, but can help with gut problems, allergies, and so much more. We aim to bring you low risk milk that you can feel confident giving to your family.

Overall, our goal is to bring glory to God with the work of our hands. We believe one of the best ways we can do so is by serving others. We hope to provide a healthful option for people through herd shares. We will always aim for excellence as we work first and foremost for the Lord.

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.

Colossians 3:23-24

Faith Family farm food