The Benefits of Organ Meats

With the rise of the carnivore diet and people like the Liver King (who probably does eat liver, but is obviously on PEDs), organ meats have been all the rage lately. It’s quite the change from previous generations who were threatened with liver and onions. Why are they growing in popularity again?

Simple: because they really are a superfood.

Organ meats, also known as offal, are extremely nutrient dense. They are a complete protein source meaning that they are comprised of all nine amino acids that our bodies need. They are rich in B vitamins most notably of which are B12 (known to help with energy) and folate (which is necessary during pregnancy to prevent defects like spinal bifida). It also includes vitamins A, D, E, and K. They are full of minerals like iron, magnesium, selenium, and zinc.

So how will all these nutrients make you feel and healthier? As stated above, organ meats will help you feel more energetic. It’s due to the B12 vitamin, but also if you’re anemic, the iron in organ meats will help your energy levels. Your immune system will be improved by the extra consumption of zinc. Due to the high protein content, they are more satiating thus causing you to potentially eat less. Another benefit to the protein is it’s aid in maintaining or even gaining muscle. The vitamin A1 (retinol) can help improve your skin. Some of the vitamins can help reduce risk of heart disease (B12 and folate), reduce risk of cancer (B2), and reduce risk of Alzheimer’s (B1).

Organ meats also help reduce food waste. Instead of just eating the muscle, when you add organ meats to your diet, you’re eating nose to tail. Organ meats include liver, heart, kidneys, tongue, brain, sweetbreads, and tripe.

Now, there are a few people that organ meats are NOT for or at least should consume in moderation. If you have gout, it’s best to avoid organ meats. If you’re pregnant, you should consume them in moderation. Excess vitamin A has been associated with birth defects. If you already have high iron levels, you may want to cut back on organ meats. If your copper levels are high, the added copper from the organ meats won’t benefit you and could cause liver problems.

How often do you need to consume organ meats to reap their benefits. Pending on the serving, you don’t have to have them overly often! Eating liver once a week would be great for your health. If you’re not a fan of eating organs plain, you could grind them up and toss a tablespoon or two into the pan every time you cook ground beef! It’s an easy way to sneak it in on picky eaters!

Where can you get these superfoods? Well, I’m sure you could buy them at the store, but if you want to know where your meat came from plus get delicious muscle meat, you could order freezer beef from us! We let you pick your cutting order and in it you can ask for your share of the organ meats. You’ll know your animal was raised in a loving environment and fed a mix of grass and grain grown here on our farm. You’ll be amazed by the difference!


Are Organ Meats Healthy?

Are There Health Benefits to Eating Organ Meat?

7 Stunning Organ Meat Benefits Boosting Health


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