A Glass Of Good Health: How Raw Milk Is Changing Lives

We often hear general claims of how raw milk is changing lives, but I made it my mission to talk to real people about what raw milk is doing for them and their family. These people include some of my very own herdshare owners plus other raw milk drinkers! I won’t include any names, but I will with their permission share their stories!

“It helped with my son’s asthma! So we have been drinking raw milk for over a year I believe, maybe a year and a half. He is off all of his inhalers now, and we were on a daily then one for whenever he got sick. Even a cold. It’s just in the last 5 months we have really noticed a difference. But he also got eczema terrible and it is basically gone as well. We went from going through albuterol like candy to not using it at all. It took time, it for sure wasn’t and overnight thing but I KNOW it has helped my eldest so much!”

“Finding your farm and the ability to get raw milk has been a game changer for our family.  My husband had neck cancer many years ago which caused him a multitude of health issues, including losing his saliva glands and teeth.  He also has difficulty swallowing.  He was very malnourished due to the limited processed foods he was eating.  In just a few months of consuming the raw milk we get from your family's farm, he is feeling much healthier and stronger.  He has put on some weight and built up some muscle tone.  He has much more energy than before.  It is wonderful to see him feeling stronger and being able to have strength and energy again. He was never a milk drinker before but now drinks about a gallon a day of the raw milk. He says he loves the taste and actually craves it where before he had pretty much lost interest in nourishment.”

“I don’t produce sufficient gut bacteria. They’ve tested on colonoscopies and said I needed to spend my whole life eating restrictive diets. After 10 colonoscopies and 2 stints in the hospital with E. Coli overgrowth because of not having enough good bacteria, I decided to try raw milk. The first month was rough as my body adjusted, but now I eat regular food, I go to the bathroom regularly, and I just past the mark of the longest period of tome I’ve gone without a colonoscopy in my entire life.”

“My oldest son that has always had issues with weight gain since birth is now at and maintaining a very healthy weight since we started drinking MarGro raw milk!”

“We are healthier since we started drinking raw milk. We don’t get sick as often. I used to have a lot of bloating issues, which I no longer have. My son’s hair started growing like crazy when we switched to raw milk, and it won’t stop growing.”

“We are not huge milk drinkers but we truly do like the flavor of your raw milk. As a kid, visiting a farm friend, I didn't care for the taste of theirs. My husband has no colon, but with surgery an s-pouch was fashioned as result of ulcerative colitis many years ago. This totally changes the digestive system. He has to take a probiotic but with the addition of raw milk he noticed his stools are firmer. Not sure what the magic is, but this good.”

“My daughter always had a dairy sensitivity (I couldn’t have milk while breastfeeding her and other problems when we introduced solids), but we gave her raw milk before she even turned 1 and it helped so much with her gut and sensitivity! My son is literally surviving on the balanced nutrition from milk because he barely eats anything else. We’ve all become bouije and won’t drink store milk because raw milk is so stinking good!”

There are so many verbal accounts I’ve had from people who say that it helped their gut health too! They suffered from severe constipation and after raw milk can go regularly! So many people were unable to tolerate milk without a slew of adverse side effects but now can drink raw milk! It has even helped my own toddler over come eczema and other gut issues she got from me. I hear endlessly about how people hated milk before and now crave raw milk as they love the taste and notice health benefits.

So don’t take my word for it, raw milk is really changing lives one glass at a time.


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