Thriving with Animal Milk

You may have heard from vegans or animal activist that drinking milk is a new phenomenon. They say things like it’s unnatural to drink another animals milk. They claim that we don’t need milk to survive.

But what about drinking milk to thrive? Now and throughout history?

As we know, formula is more of a modern invention. Yet, there were cases of maternal death or inability to nurse. Wet nurses were used in some of those cases, but in others, other mammal’s milk helped infants and young children survive and thrive.

Scientists from the University of Bristol found small vessels with spouts that were the ancient equivalent to modern day baby bottles. These “bottles” were dated back to approximately 5,000 B.C. Through further testing, they found the remains of ruminate milk in said bottles. The milk likely came from cows, goats, or sheep.

The domestication of animals in the Neolithic Revolution started the regular drinking of milk. It is estimated that it started in Mesopotamia in 9,000-7,000 B.C. and in the Americas around 3,500-3,000 B.C. This had to be revolutionary to the previous hunter gatherer society. In stead of searching for food, sometimes with no luck, they could grow their own. While animals were previously kept for the use of meat, they eventually used them also for dairy and labor. While waiting for an animal to grow or come to an older age, they could still survive off the milk of lactating mammals. This likely sustained people in times of drought or through other agricultural disasters as time went on.

Milk has helped people thrive throughout history because of the both the macro and micro nutrients it has in it. It contains all three macronutrients: protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Protein and fat are essential macronutrients for our survival, and carbohydrates give us added energy. Raw milk also contains a slew of vitamins and minerals! In Real Milk's article on the nutrients in raw milk, it says, “Raw milk contains all twenty-two essential minerals including calcium, chlorine, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulfur, zinc, iodine and other trace minerals. Raw milk provides a special enzyme for each of these minerals, so they are 100 percent absorbed.” Imagine how wonderful such a nutrient dense food would have been throughout history! If food was scarce, milk would provide so many of the essential nutrients needed for not just to survive, but to thrive.

Milk is still just as needed today for furthering our health journeys. It can help fill gaps left by the standard American diet, keep nutrients in a picky toddler, and bolster vitamins and enzymes in the diet of those who are more health conscious.

Highly processed milk replacements like oat or almond milk can spike our blood sugars and are filled with all kinds of odd ingredients. Their labeling and marketing may make us think that we are getting a better drink in them, but really, they are not adding to our health and may even be damaging our bodies in some situations. Raw milk, on the other hand, can fill nutrient gaps and help with overall digestion.

Raw milk from other mammals was used throughout history to bolster the health of people. It likely was what helped them not just survive, but thrive through hard times. It can be used today as well in our modern era of processed junk food. Getting back to real food and real milk will benefit our health in so many ways. Throughout history and today raw milk can help us thrive!


Archaeological Find: Prehistoric Babies Fed Animal Milk in Bottles

Historical Timeline: History of Cow's Milk from the Ancient World to the Present

Wikipedia: Milk

Readily Available Nutrients in Raw Milk


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